"Your cookies are amazing! Why don't you sell them?"
This has probably been the most asked question since I started decorating cookies in 2019.
I have to admit I am truly flattered EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that someone hands me that compliment.
So why DON'T I sell cookies?
How come I haven't hopped on the cookie train and started selling these babies?
Well I'm about to break it down for you.
After spending about a week researching what it would mean to sell cookies, I decided that the cookie business just isn't going to work for me and here are some of the reasons why:
I have to admit I am truly flattered EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. that someone hands me that compliment.
So why DON'T I sell cookies?
How come I haven't hopped on the cookie train and started selling these babies?
Well I'm about to break it down for you.
After spending about a week researching what it would mean to sell cookies, I decided that the cookie business just isn't going to work for me and here are some of the reasons why:
1. Income Cap
Alabama Cottage Food Law limits my income to $20,000 annually. Their reasoning is if I'm baking out of my home kitchen I wouldn't produce enough to make over $20,000. I can't imagine deciding to go into cookies full time and having a cap on my income. I also think this is short-sighted as everything isn't always about volume but also quality of the product.
My husband and I couldn't see it being worth it especially considering ingredients and the time it takes from start to finish. Custom decorated cookies are no joke. Most sets take me at least 2-3 days some more... but rarely less... if money was attatched to this hobby I think I would quit pretty quickly. It's just not worth it on the business side.
My husband and I couldn't see it being worth it especially considering ingredients and the time it takes from start to finish. Custom decorated cookies are no joke. Most sets take me at least 2-3 days some more... but rarely less... if money was attatched to this hobby I think I would quit pretty quickly. It's just not worth it on the business side.
2. Can't Ship Across State Lines
Most of my requests are from other parts of the country and per Alabama Law, if I run a cottage kitchen, I can not ship across state lines legally. That went on my "con" list for sure as most of my friends and family live in other states.
3. Copyright Characters & Artistic Freedom
This is something I've recently run into and it's really annoying. Copyright characters. Oooweeee I could write a mile long post about this but I will just give you the jist... under ZERO circumstances can you create ANYTHING copyright and sell it.
Disney, Pixar, Pepsi, Blues Clues, Rick and Morty, John Deere, Star Wars... if it has a name chances are there's no way any cake or cookie shop is going to touch it and I surely wouldn't be able to touch it either.
I've seen bakers with extensive followings lose absolutely EVERYTHING over a disney character cookie or cake on their website... there is nothing scarier than receiving a "cease and desist" from freaking Disney... and let me tell you they have full departments out there looking to nail you for it...
When I say under ANY circumstance I actually mean ANY... it doesn't matter if you use their cutters or their products you absolutely CAN NOT legally recreate anything copyrighted. I know this sounds pretty basic but most people don't think about it especially when their kid just wants that Frozen party or the Moana party... or the Toy Story party... they are suprised when they are turned down over and over... and yes I've seen that A LOT of bakers and bakeries still do them and post them and don't get in trouble but it's getting to the point where more and more are saying "no" because others are being cracked down on.
Personally I find this really stupid. Don't get me wrong. I fully understand getting your product ripped off and sold is a huge bummer but I'm talking about HUGE companies... I personally hold the opinion that Disney wouldn't lose anything by letting me create a set of whatever themed cookies or cake for a fully themed party mostly supplied by Disney...
But the rules are the rules and my opinion is only that.. an opinion.
So, although it is still a risk, I create whatever I want--- I just don't sell it for profit.
I create purely out of the desire to create.
Disney, Pixar, Pepsi, Blues Clues, Rick and Morty, John Deere, Star Wars... if it has a name chances are there's no way any cake or cookie shop is going to touch it and I surely wouldn't be able to touch it either.
I've seen bakers with extensive followings lose absolutely EVERYTHING over a disney character cookie or cake on their website... there is nothing scarier than receiving a "cease and desist" from freaking Disney... and let me tell you they have full departments out there looking to nail you for it...
When I say under ANY circumstance I actually mean ANY... it doesn't matter if you use their cutters or their products you absolutely CAN NOT legally recreate anything copyrighted. I know this sounds pretty basic but most people don't think about it especially when their kid just wants that Frozen party or the Moana party... or the Toy Story party... they are suprised when they are turned down over and over... and yes I've seen that A LOT of bakers and bakeries still do them and post them and don't get in trouble but it's getting to the point where more and more are saying "no" because others are being cracked down on.
Personally I find this really stupid. Don't get me wrong. I fully understand getting your product ripped off and sold is a huge bummer but I'm talking about HUGE companies... I personally hold the opinion that Disney wouldn't lose anything by letting me create a set of whatever themed cookies or cake for a fully themed party mostly supplied by Disney...
But the rules are the rules and my opinion is only that.. an opinion.
So, although it is still a risk, I create whatever I want--- I just don't sell it for profit.
I create purely out of the desire to create.
4. Cost and Pricing
If I did decide to sell my cookies most would not pay what I would have to ask just to break even. Especially considering the cost of ingredients these days as well as the time and effort it takes. I know. I'm in multiple cookie groups and this is the biggest problem. As a matter of fact, a lot of cookiers are quitting. Most stay in the business only as content creators or they sell cookie cutters or other cookie supplies. You can buy decorated cookies now at big box stores for just a few dollars. They won't be as awesome as mine but these days everybody is looking for a deal. I'm not interested in negotiating my worth as an artist vs what Costco or Amazon can offer. I enjoy what I do and I want to keep it that way. I will continue to create for friends and family and work on putting out more content and recipes.
Closing Statement
The Alabama Food & Safety Laws are just too strict for what I want to accomplish.
I'm not at all against food and safety, I've been licensed multiple times during my 6 years in the food industry.
I would rather have full freedom to create what I want and send it to who I want without fear of legal reprecussions or fines.
So I create what I want and my friends and family get cool, edible gifts.
I can also share my work here on my website to both catalog my experience and growth as an artist, but also for inspiration for anyone else that needs or wants it or finds it here!
As always thank you so much for stopping by and I hope this has answered that question!
Much love---
Click Here if you want to see the full Alabama Cottage Laws.
I'm not at all against food and safety, I've been licensed multiple times during my 6 years in the food industry.
I would rather have full freedom to create what I want and send it to who I want without fear of legal reprecussions or fines.
So I create what I want and my friends and family get cool, edible gifts.
I can also share my work here on my website to both catalog my experience and growth as an artist, but also for inspiration for anyone else that needs or wants it or finds it here!
As always thank you so much for stopping by and I hope this has answered that question!
Much love---
Click Here if you want to see the full Alabama Cottage Laws.